Emergency Services, News, Senior Center|

Hurricane Community Forum by the National Weather Service

Monday, June 24th from 11 AM – 12 PM at the Greene County Senior Center, 104 Greenridge Rd, Snow Hill, NC 28580










What: Join us for these free, open to all, public discussions about hurricane preparedness.  You will have the chance to hear a presentation from a meteorologist from the National Weather Service on hurricanes and their impacts on Eastern North Carolina.  We will go over why you should never just focus on just the category of the storm, what the hurricane path track means, the various impacts tropical cyclones can bring and why you should NEVER let you guard down, even after the storm passes!  We will also cover the hurricane outlook for the year while emphasizing that it only takes one storm to make an impact on your life!  At the end you will be able to ask questions you may have.  


Where: Various locations across ALL of Eastern North Carolina.  Some will also be live streamed, and the recording will be posted afterwards.  You must have internet access to join virtually.  This will allow you to view and hear the presentation.  You can ask questions through the webinar itself or if you have a mic (most mobile devices do), you can raise your hand and ask verbally.



June 24th

11 AM –

12 PM

Greene County Senior Center

104 Greenridge Rd, Snowhill, NC 28580

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