Planning and Zoning develops and implements plans and policies related to land development to strengthen the long-term sustainability of Greene County. Major responsibilities include zoning administration, floodplain management, permitting, land subdivision and manufactured home park regulation enforcement, and all other aspects as related to development within the County. The Planning Department also administers E-911 Address assignment, as well as computerized mapping using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the entire County.


Save yourself a trip! Simply click the link below and click the PLAT REVIEW button.  Here an applicant will create a user account where they can submit future submissions, receive emails on comments, track progress, pay any fees, and a schedule a time to have final plat signed.  Then simply answer a few details and attach a PDF of the plat for review.  The Planning Office will review the document, and then contact you with any comments or fees. If you have any questions concerning this process, please feel free to contact the Planning Office.

New Planning Fees

Subdivision Plats

  • Minor Subdivision $30 + $ 5 per lot
  • Major Subdivision $100 + $10 per lot


  • Permitted Uses: All Residential Uses $25, All Non-Residential/Commercial Uses $50
  • Special Uses, Variances, Rezoning, Text Amendment $200 each

Greene County Ordinances

Contact Us

Greene County Planning & Inspections Department

229 Kingold Blvd, Suite E
Snow Hill, NC 28580

 Phone Number: 252-747-4019

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm


Brandon J. Sutton, County Planning Director/Zoning Administrator/GIS Coordinator

Email address: 

Phone number: 252-747-4019


Daniel Grant, GIS Technician/Planning Assistant

Email Address: 


Phone number: 252-747-4019


Aleigha Gardner, Administration

Email Address:

Phone number: 252-747-4019

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