Election Information, Elections|

How to Withdraw a Notice of Candidacy

Candidate filing for the 2022 statewide primary and rescheduled municipal elections will resume at 8 a.m. February 24, 2022. The deadline for a candidate to withdraw a Notice of Candidacy for the 2022 Election is the close of business on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. 

Any person who has filed a notice of candidacy for an office has the right to withdraw it. The withdrawal must be completed any time before the end of the third business day before the filing period ends. Candidates who wish to withdraw must complete a Candidacy Withdrawal Form.

The name of any candidate who does not withdraw by the deadline shall be printed on the primary ballot. Any votes received by that candidate shall be counted. The filing fee will not be refunded.

Download the Withdrawal of Candidacy form (fillable PDF)

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