
The Greene County Board of Commissioners proudly proclaims the week of April 4-10, 2022, as Public Health Week in Greene County.

National Public Health Week, celebrated during the first full week in April, is a time to celebrate the achievements of public health as well as become part of a growing movement to create the healthiest nation in one generation.

This year’s theme, “Public Health Is Where You Are,” celebrates the places where people are, physically, mentally, and societally, which affect our health and our lives. And as folks move slowly back toward gathering in person, they’re focusing not just on what we can do as individuals, but what we can do as communities to protect and prioritize public health.

During this week, consider one of the following ways to celebrate public health:

  • Thank a public health employee. They work diligently every day to make our community healthier. Swing by the Health Department to give us a shout out!
  • Consider using services provided at the Health Department.
  • They offer a variety of services including Clinical, Laboratory, Nutrition, Health Education, Environmental Health and more. Learn more about what they do at
  • If you are passionate about a public health topic, get involved in the conversation. Let our leaders and stakeholders know what is important to you and the ones you love. One way you can let your voice be heard is by getting involved in the Community Health Improvement Plans. Call the Health Education Staff at (252) 747-8183 to learn more about this opportunity.
  • Remember that public health and personal health are closely related.
  • Take time to take care of yourself whether that means adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, going for a walk or simply taking time to slow down and recharge.



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