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Important Note: This proposed land option agreement between Greene County and the current landowner(s) will be for five years. This agreement gives Greene County the exclusive right to buy the land during this time, but it does not mean the County is required to buy it. Instead, Greene County will use this time to market the land to prospective new industrial companies that might want to locate in the county and build on the land. If a company is interested, the county can transfer the right to buy the land to that business.

This type of agreement is an important tool for bringing new industries to Greene County. It helps create jobs, strengthen the local economy, and support the community’s growth while allowing the county to plan carefully for the future.

By having this option agreement, Greene County can market the land to potential industrial companies without committing to a purchase right away. This flexibility is beneficial because it allows the county to gauge interest from companies and only proceed with a purchase if there is a firm commitment from a company that wants to locate and build on the land. This approach minimizes financial risk for the county while maximizing opportunities for economic development.


WHEREAS, the Local Development Act of 1925 authorizes counties to make appropriations, and to acquire and convey interests in real property for the purposes of aiding and encouraging the location of manufacturing enterprises, and locating industrial and commercial plants in the county which will, in the discretion of the governing body of the county, increase the population, taxable property, agricultural industries, employment, industrial output, or business prospects of the city or county; and
WHEREAS, Counties may acquire and hold for resale real property for the purpose of encouraging economic development as authorized by N.C.G.S. 158-7.1(a) and (b); and
WHEREAS, Greene County proposes to acquire through an Option to Purchase a fee simple interest in the following real property  described as:
Parcel No: 0500432
Located in Olds Township, Greene County, North Carolina and bounded, now or formerly, by Parcel ID: 0500432
Located in Olds Township, Greene County, North Carolina and bounded, now or formerly, by natural boundaries and/or lands owned by and/or in the possession of persons as follows:
Bounded on the west by State Road #1347; on the North by lands of the Turnage Farms, Inc.; on the east by Middle Swamp, and on the south by U.S. Highway #13 (formerly State Road 1346) and G. V. Lassiter, containing 113.9 acres, more or less, and designated as Lot #3-A, according to map of the “Division of lands among children of R. Lang Davis under the will of R. L. Davis,” made by Jack McDavid, Jr., Registered Surveyor, in February 1957, in Map Book 2, Pages 76 and 77 of the Greene County Public Registry.
LESS AND EXCEPT those lots or parcels of land conveyed out of the above tract described as follows:
Excepted Parcel 1: Beginning at a concrete monument, the new Modlin corner on the north side of State Road #1346 (now included in U.S. Highway #13), and being 30 feet from the center thereof, and runs thence along the new Modlin line North 00 degrees 23 minutes West 555.6 feet to another concrete monument; thence North 89 degrees 37 minutes East 641.9 feet to another concrete monument on the Lassiter line; thence along the Lassiter line South 48 degrees 29 minutes West 486.4 feet to a stake; thence South 00 degrees 31 minutes East 31.5 feet to a stake at the head of a ditch; thence along the ditch South 30 degrees 18 minutes West 244.6 feet to a point on the north side of the aforesaid State Road #1346 (now included in U.S. Highway #13), being the corner of Mrs. G. V. Lassiter; thence along the right of way of the aforesaid road and 30 feet from the center thereof North 89 degrees 07 minutes West 143.7 feet; thence South 89 degrees 37 minutes West 6.3 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.5 acres of land, according to map made by McDavid Associates in March 1966.
Excepted Parcel 2: That 1 ac tract or parcel of land depicted on a plat entitled “Minor Subdivision Julianna’s Place” prepared by Calloway Geospatial PLLC, dated July 16, 2024 and recorded on July 25, 2024 in Plat Book 34, Page 147 of the Greene County Registry.
(the “Property”); and
WHEREAS, the cost of acquisition of the Property shall be $15,000.00 per acre subject to certain annual price increases in accordance with the terms of the Option Agreements; and
WHEREAS, the cost of acquisition of the Property shall be funded through the Greene County General Funds and other sources that may become available during the term of the Option Agreements; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of N.C.G.S. 158-7.1, and further subject to the other terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and such additional terms as the Greene County Board of Commissioners may impose following a public hearing, Greene County desires to acquire the Property.
THEREFORE, NOTICE is given that the Greene County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the approval of the acquisition of the Property  at its regular meeting on January 6, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at 312 SE Second St., Snow Hill, NC 28580.
NOTICE is further given the Greene County Board of Commissioners intends to approve the acquisition of the Property directly after the Public Hearing.
All interested citizens are invited to appear and be heard.
This the 2 day of December, 2024.
Bennie Heath
Chairman, Board of Commissioners
Greene County


For questions, please contact:
Trey Cash
Director of Economic Development
Greene County
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