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Important Note: This proposed land option agreement between Greene County and the current landowner(s) will be for five years. This agreement gives Greene County the exclusive right to buy the land during this time, but it does not mean the County is required to buy it. Instead, Greene County will use this time to market the land to prospective new industrial companies that might want to locate in the county and build on the land. If a company is interested, the county can transfer the right to buy the land to that business.

This type of agreement is an important tool for bringing new industries to Greene County. It helps create jobs, strengthen the local economy, and support the community’s growth while allowing the county to plan carefully for the future.

By having this option agreement, Greene County can market the land to potential industrial companies without committing to a purchase right away. This flexibility is beneficial because it allows the county to gauge interest from companies and only proceed with a purchase if there is a firm commitment from a company that wants to locate and build on the land. This approach minimizes financial risk for the county while maximizing opportunities for economic development.


WHEREAS, the Local Development Act of 1925 authorizes counties to make appropriations, and to acquire and convey interests in real property for the purposes of aiding and encouraging the location of manufacturing enterprises, and locating industrial and commercial plants in the county which will, in the discretion of the governing body of the county, increase the population, taxable property, agricultural industries, employment, industrial output, or business prospects of the city or county; and


WHEREAS, Counties may acquire and hold for resale real property for the purpose of encouraging economic development as authorized by N.C.G.S. 158-7.1(a) and (b); and


WHEREAS, Greene County proposes to acquire through Options to Purchase fee simple interests in the following real property  described as:


PIN: 4625-09-0190

Parcel ID: 0500124

Vesting Deed: Book 720, Page 305 of the Greene County Registry


Lying and being in Olds Township, Greene County, North Carolina and being those certain tracts or parcels of land designated as Lots 2A, 3A and a vested remainder in fee simple in the “1 Acre” tract designated as Tract 4A (said tract lying on the North side of NCSR 1347 within the boundaries of Lot 3A) as shown on the plat entitled “Property Surveyed for W. R. Burnette” as recorded in Map Book 25, Page 135 of the Greene County Registry.


Excepted from the above-referenced description in the life estate herein reserved unto Mary Edwards in the tract designated as the “1 Acre” tract designated as Tract 4A (said tract lying on the North side of NCSR 1347 within the boundaries of Lot 3A) as shown on the plat entitled “Property Surveyed for W. R. Burnette” as recorded in Map Book 25, Page 135 of the Greene County Registry.


PIN: 4616-90-4403

Parcel ID: 0506161

Vesting Deed: Book 738, Page 737 of the Greene County Registry


Being all of that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Greene County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows:


BEING 38.68 acres, more or less, according to a map entitled, “Survey for Larry Bruce Dail and wife, Flora Gail West Dail,” dated April 6, 1994, prepared by Barrow & Barrow, P.A. and recorded in Map Book 24, Page 134, Greene County Public Registry. The metes and bounds description as shown on said map being incorporated herein by reference for a further and more accurate description.


TOGETHER with all right, title interest of Grantor in and to the rights of ingress and egress over, along, and across that farm path from NCSR 1347 to the property described above as shown on Plat Book 24, Page 134.


PIN: 4616-71-5260

Parcel ID: 0500282

Vesting Deed: Book 776, Page 145 of the Greene County Registry


Being all of the Dr. F. Millard Griffin “Chestnut Farm” lying adjacent to and north of the centerline of S.R. 1347 as shown on a map entitled “Property of Doctor F. Millard Griffin, Chestnut Farm” by R. R. Herring & Associates, Inc. registered surveyors, and containing 103.09 acres, which map is recorded at Map Book 24, Page 143 of the Greene County Registry, reference to which recorded map is hereby directed and which recorded map is incorporated herein by reference for a more complete and accurate description of the premises, said tract being a portion of the tract of land conveyed by deed dated January 4, 2002 from Francis Millard Griffin to H. E. Whichard, Jr., which deed is recorded in Book 540, Page 815 of the Greene County Registry, reference to which recorded deed is hereby directed.


This conveyance includes all of the property designated “60’ R/W For Future Use” as shown on Map Book 26, Page 253 of the Greene County Public Registry.


THERE IS EXCEPTED  from the foregoing Lots 4 through 21 of the Chestnut Farm Subdivision as shown on a map of same by Ty Robbins, registered surveyor, which map is recorded at Map Book 26, Page 253 of the Greene County Public Registry, reference to which map is hereby directed for a more complete and accurate description of said excepted lots.


ALSO EXCEPTED HEREFROM is that certain lot or parcel of land described in correction deed dated June 22, 2009 from H. E. Whichard, Jr. to St. Paul United American FWB Church, which correction deed is recorded in Book 638, Page 607 of the Greene County Registry and which lot or parcel is shown in Map Book 28, Page 30, Greene County Public Registry, reference to which recorded correction deed and recorded map is hereby directed for a more complete and accurate description of said excepted lot or parcel.


Being the property conveyed to Ham Storage, LLC by deed recorded in Deed Book 641, Page 331, Greene County Registry. See also Deed Book 716, Page 547, Greene County Registry.


PIN: 4625-18-3198

Parcel ID: 0500337

Vesting Deed: Book 693, Page 160 of the Greene County Registry


All of that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Olds Township, Greene County, containing 67.6 acres, more or, less, known as the “Skinner Farm” and as more particularly described in Book 121, Page 31 and in Book 118, 198 and in Book 351, Page 37 of the Greene County Registry.


PIN: 4625-37-1333

Parcel ID: 0500756

Vesting Deed: Book 737, Page 445 of the Greene County Registry


Lying and being in the county of Greene, State of North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the East side of the dirt road (which connects the Greenville-Snow Hill paved road and Highway No. 258) said dirt road being the dividing line between Davis lands and McDavid lands and said beginning point being the Northwest corner of Lot No. 3A and runs thence along the line between Lot No. 3A and No. 4 as follows: N 73-59 E 654.7 feet; thence N  13-08 W 150 Feet; thence N 28-40 E 186.1 feet; thence N 03-18 E 350.9 feet to a bridge over a large ditch; thence along said ditch (a continuation of the dividing line between Lots 3A and 4) S 79-32 E 39 feet; thence N 60-16 46.5 feet; thence S 76-46 E 62.8 feet; thence N 64-31 E 90 feet; thence N 86-36 E 249.2 feet; thence S 59.50 E 130.2 feet; thence S 83.08 E 163.6 feet; thence S 29-56 E 87 feet; thence S 72.26 E 167.5 feet to the edge of the swamp woods; thence N 87-48 E 800 feet; more or less, to the run of Middle swamp in a Northwesterly direction, 5000 feet, more or less, to the J. H. Harris corner; thence along the Harris Line, S 06-30 W 2582.5 feet to a dirt road, the dividing line between the Davis Lands and Harris lands; thence along said dirt road, S 50-07 E 211.7 feet to a curve in the road; thence S 47-40 E 298.8 feet; thence S 41-05 E 356.9 feet to a curve in the road; thence S 33-02 E 631 feet to the point of beginning; containing 205 acres, more or less of which 109 acres is cleared land, and 96.2 acres more or less is woodsland, and being Lot No. 4 as allotted to W. C. Pender, Trustee for R. Lynn Davis, in the division of the lands of R. Lang Davis, among the children of R. Land Davis, and being the identical property conveyed to Fred Murphy and wife by deed of record in Book 309, Page 610 of the Greene County Public Registry. Reference is herewith made to that deed from Fred Murphy and wife, Annie Carraway Murphy to the Turnage Company, Inc. dated December 8, 1959, recorded in Book 323, Page 365 of the Greene County Public Registry.


PIN: 4616-81-9428

Parcel ID: 0506160

Vesting Deed: Book 664, Page 286 of the Greene County Registry


Being all of that property lying and being in Greene County, North Carolina, identified on the current tax records and parcel identification number 0506160 and more particularly described as follows:


BEGINNING at an iron stake and runs North 6° 40’ East 2965 feet to Middle Swamp; thence North 60° 45’ West 1030 feet to a branch; thence South 53° and 30’ West 815 feet to the east Carolina Right of Way; thence with said Right of Way Southerly 2851 feet to a stake; thence North 87° 47’ East 312 feet to an iron stake; thence South 1° 45’ East 400 feet to a stake on the East edge of road; thence North 830 East 211 feet to an iron stake: thence North 7° 20’ East 290 feet; thence South 87° 20 East 633 feet to an iron stake, the beginning, containing 103-71/100 acres, being lots one and two as shown by map of the Yelverton Farm according to survey made by J. L. Phillips, C.E. which said map is recorded in Book 107, Page 80 of the Register of Deeds of Greene county, reference to which map is hereby made, being tract NO. One Conveyed by John Hill Paylor, Trustee to the Commercial Insurance Company, May 1, 1934, deed being duly recorded in Registry of Greene County, Book 175, Page 392. This conveyance is made subject to the Right of Way for N.C.S.R. 1347 and for public utility easements of record.




BEING 38.68 acres, more or less, according to a map entitled, “Survey for Larry Bruce Dail and wife, Flora Gail West Dail,” dated April 6, 1994, prepared by Barrow & Barrow, P.A. and recorded in Map Book 24, Page 134, Greene County Public Registry. The metes and bounds description as shown on said map being incorporated herein by reference for a further and more accurate description.


(the “Property”); and


WHEREAS, the cost of acquisition of the Property shall be $15,000.00 per acre subject to certain annual price increases in accordance with the terms of the Option Agreements; and


WHEREAS, the cost of acquisition of the Property shall be funded through the Greene County General Funds and other sources that may become available during the term of the Option Agreements; and


WHEREAS, in accordance with the terms of N.C.G.S. 158-7.1, and further subject to the other terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and such additional terms as the Greene County Board of Commissioners may impose following a public hearing, Greene County desires to acquire the Property.


THEREFORE, NOTICE is given that the Greene County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the approval of the acquisition of the Property  at its regular meeting on December 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at 312 SE Second St., Snow Hill, NC 28580.


NOTICE is further given the Greene County Board of Commissioners intends to approve the acquisition of the Property directly after the Public Hearing.


All interested citizens are invited to appear and be heard.







This is the 18th day of November, 2024.



For questions, please contact:
Trey Cash
Director of Economic Development
Greene County
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