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NC Rural Infrastructure Authority Grants Building Envelope Erection Services $75K for Snow Hill Site Expansion

Expansion project to create additional 17 jobs in Greene County

Snow Hill, NC, April 15, 2021 — The NC Rural Infrastructure Authority announced today that Building Envelope Erection Services, Inc., fabricator and deliverer of project-specific aluminum framing used in the construction of mid-size commercial buildings, will receive a grant from the state’s Building Reuse Program. Earlier today, the NC Rural Infrastructure Authority approved Greene County’s request for $75,000 in funds to support the building reuse of Building Envelope Erection Services, Inc. Snow Hill, NC manufacturing facility.

Building Envelope Erection Services, Inc., is expanding its current operations at their Snow Hill site to facilitate growth projections anticipated by the expanding North Carolina and broader Mid-Atlantic commercial real estate market. This hiring of new positions and creating new jobs is also contributing to the growth of the local Greene County economy. This is an investment to meet the growing demand in the Aluminum framing market, including the increased demand driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project brings a capital investment of more than $1.2 million over the next five(5) years to Greene County and is expected to create more than 17 additional jobs at that site.

“This is exciting news for the people of Greene County. This new investment and additional jobs will be a big boost to the local economy and help bring stronger economic growth to the entire region. I want to thank and congratulate everyone involved for their hard work in helping make it happen.” said House Majority Leader John Bell.
Will Brown, Sr. Director, Operations at Snow Hill added, “I’m so proud of our Greene County team and the role we play in significantly contributing to the growth of our business and adding jobs and investment to eastern NC. We look forward to being able to support our local community with more job opportunities as a result of this expansion, and are excited that this grant will help support a continued bright future for Greene County.”

Bennie Heath, Chairman Greene County Commissioners, “It is indeed an honor and a pleasure to announce a building re-use expansion project in Greene County. For over a year we have been adversely affected by the CORONAVIRUS pandemic. Everyone has been affected. Many small businesses have suffered losses. Negative impacts have been felt by individuals, EMS providers, local, state, and federal governments, and so on. I do not want to leave anyone out because we all have felt the effects of the pandemic. Here we are today announcing that one of our Greene County businesses is investing 1.2 million dollars and adding 17 new employees. I thank all involved in the process – from the business owners to the economic developers, to the North Carolina Department of Commerce, and to all the others who may have had a positive impact on this project. There are so many pieces to the puzzle to make this a reality. Again, it’s an honor and a pleasure to make this announcement and recognize such a major accomplishment in the face of adversity. May God continue to richly bless Greene County, North Carolina, and the United States of America.”

Harold Thomas, NCGTPEDR Vice President, “Greene County is very happy and proud that BEES has chosen to grow their business in our county. They produce high-quality products that are used in making building facades beautiful and functional in many cities in the mid-Atlantic region.”

Kyle DeHaven, Greene County Manager, “We are excited to help a local company grow and expand their footprint in our County. We appreciate their investment in our County and look forward to our continued partnership”.

Partnering with the North Carolina Department of Commerce and the EDPNC on this project were the North Carolina General Assembly, the North Carolina Community College System, Greene County, the North Carolina Global TransPark Economic Development Region, and Lenoir Community College.

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