
January 20th Greene County Transportation Meeting Information


Division II, Transportation Report

Mr. Aaron Bullard NCDOT Resident Engineer gave the following report on current projects.


  • R-5812, US 13 from NC 58 (Kingold Blvd) to NC 91: Widening to three lanes. Awarded to PLT RBP JV Construction.  Approximately 85% complete with an anticipated completion date of April 15, 2021.  The final surfacing and painting has to wait until spring for proper temperatures.
  • US 13/258 from Wayne Co line to the intersection of NC 58/ US258 (Bojangles). Milling, strengthening, resurfacing; includes widening of Kingold Blvd to three lanes from Greene St. to Second St.  Awarded to S.T. Wooten. Anticipated start date February 22, 2021; anticipated completion date May 31, 2021
  • NC 58 from US 13 to Wilson Co line: Milling, strengthening, resurfacing. Awarded to S.T. Wooten. Anticipated construction June/July (immediately following US 13/258 project).


Safety Discussion

Shine intersection: DOT is studying the history of accidents and other factors.  The speed limit at this intersection has been reduced to 45 mph. DOT is looking at a possible All Way Stop or modify the Flashing Yellow Lights at this intersection when there is a vehicle entering the intersection from Shine Road or Free Gospel Road.  Brandon Sutton made a motion to try the Flashing Yellow Lights when traffic is entering the intersection and Commissioner Shackleford seconded this motion.  The voting members carried this motion. The committee then recommends this be taken to the Greene County Board of Commissioners for approval. Commissioner Shackleford said he would take this to the Board.


Jason Community:  NC903 the speed limit has been reduced from 55 to 50 to 45 and then it goes back to 50 and then 55 mph.


DOT has approved Two All Way Stops and work will begin in late Spring.

  • NC91 Intersection of Firetower Road and Meadow Road
  • NC91 Intersection of Speights Bridge Road and Fieldsboro Road


The DOT has made safety improvements at intersection of Four Way and Ormondsville Roads and they will continue to monitor it to see if the accident rate continues to reduce.

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