Admin, News, Senior Center, Volunteer Service Award|


Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 Governor’s Volunteer Service Award for Greene County Volunteers. Special Volunteer Types: Individual (one person), Group/Team (two or more individuals who volunteered together as a team), National Service (volunteers with AmeriCorps, VISTA, or Senior Corps), Director of Volunteers-(a paid staff person who exceeds expectations of volunteer management). Areas of Volunteer Service: Veteran/Military, Youth Service, Seniors, Historically Underserved Populations, Disaster, Animals, Cultural, Environment, Health & Human Services, Lifetime Achievement, Other. The nomination form has more detail under each category.

The awards program, created by the Office of the Governor in 1979, recognizes North Carolina’s most dedicated volunteers. Through the years, the award has been bestowed on thousands of North Carolinians who have shown concern and compassion for their neighbors by volunteering in their local community.

Each county selects up to ten individuals, businesses, groups/teams and one paid Director of Volunteers to be recognized for their outstanding contributions to their communities. One of the nominees will be nominated for the Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer Service, which is awarded to the top 20 volunteers in the state. A local committee evaluates the nominations.


2023 Nomination Form Information:

Deadline to submit online, paper, or emailed forms- Friday, Feb. 9, 2023

  • The 2023 Nomination Form can be found on the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service website at under the “Volunteer Awards” tab.


  • The ONLINE FORM, which is on org, is simple and easy to use. Nominators can fill out the form online and then the Commission will send the forms to the Award Coordinator for their respective county.


  • To request a paper copy of the nomination form, call or email the contact information below. Please note that Nomination Forms MUST BE TYPED. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. If you use the ONLINE FORM, you will NOT Need to submit a paper


  • The application has information on eligibility, submission requirements, and award selection. Read these sections carefully. Tips for Writing an Effective Award Nomination are found on the website along with the online form, and will be made available to individuals requesting a paper copy of the form.


For more information contact:

Sharon Harrison

Greene County Senior Center

104 Greenridge Road

Snow Hill, NC 28580 252-747-5436


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