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The American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina (ACEC) awarded Summit Design and Engineering Services, PLLC, and Greene County Government the 2023 Grand Award of Engineering Excellence for renovating the former National Guard Amory building into the Greene County Operations Center.

Summit Design and Engineering Services is a design and engineering services firm headquartered in Hillsborough, North Carolina.

Summit collaboratively worked with Greene County Government and stakeholders to carefully analyze, plan, and design spaces for Greene County Transportation, E-911 Communications Center, Greene County Emergency Services, Greene County Veteran’s Services, and a large meeting room.

Greene County received over 2.1 million dollars in grant funding from the Golden LEAF Foundation, the N.C. 911 Board, and the Emergency Telephone System Fund (ETSF) to renovate the building.

Kyle DeHaven, Greene County Manager, said, “On behalf of the Greene County Board of Commissioners, we would like to thank the American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina for this award. The Greene County Operations Center project would not have been possible without the help of the Golden LEAF Foundation, the N.C. 911 Board, and the Emergency Telephone System Fund (ETSF). Additionally, Summit, Mission Critical, Farrior & Sons, our team, and many others worked very hard to renovate an old existing building into a state-of-the-art operations center that the citizens of Greene County can be proud of. “

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