2024 Governor’s Volunteer Service Award Recipients

Outstanding Volunteers in Greene County Are Recognized


April 15th, 2024 (Snow Hill, NC) – The North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service has presented the 2024 Governor’s Volunteer Service Award to Lynwood Bunn, Robert Daugherty, Lemuel Allan Harper, Tony Shingleton, and Melva Lee Taylor from Greene County.  The Governor’s Volunteer Service Award honors people who have shown concern and compassion for their neighbors by making a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service.  The award was created in the Office of the Governor in 1979 to honor outstanding volunteers throughout the State.  Recipients will be honored at the Greene County Commissioners Meeting on Monday, April 15th at 7pm.  Commissioner’s Meetings are held at the Greene County Communications Center, 312 SE Second Street, Snow Hill, NC.  

Local award recipients and a description of their volunteer service:                                                             Lynwood Bunn:  Lynwood Bunn was nominated in the areas of Individual & Volunteer Fire Chief.  Lynwood was nominated by Jason Chase and Todd Whaley, members of the Snow Hill Rural Fire Department for his dedication as Fire Chief with the Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Department over the past 12 years, and always being available to lend a hand to those in need.  

Robert Daugherty:  Robert Daugherty was nominated in the areas of Senior, Individual, Disaster, and Lifetime Achievement.  Robert was nominated by Billy Adams and Russ Brittmembers of the Scuffleton Rural Fire Association and Derek BurressCounty Commissioner, for his commitment to educating rural fire and rescue departments, and service since 2005 as Volunteer and now chief of the Scuffleton Rural Fire Association.  In addition to formal instruction, Robert has over 30 years of experience as a fireman and EMT.  

Lemuel Allan Harper:  Allan Harper was nominated in the areas of Senior, Individual, and Lifetime Achievement.  Allan was nominated by Lloyd Carter Jr. and Teresa Burress, members of the Fort Run Volunteer Fire Department for support of community and those in need as a Deacon and Trustee for Davis Grove Baptist Church, active volunteer with the NC Horse Council, Hurricane Katrina Relief Volunteer, and active member of Fort Run Volunteer Fire Department.  Allan has also volunteered with many groups in NC to include the NC High School Rodeo, NC Trail Challenge, Masonic Lodge, Shriners Horse Patrol, and most recently, provided use of his livestock and equipment for a successful fundraiser for the Greene County Senior Center in Snow Hill.

Tony Shingleton:  Tony Shingleton was nominated in the areas of Individual and Lifetime Achievement.  Tony Shingleton was nominated by Lynwood Bunn-SHVFD, Greg Johnson-HVFD, and Derek Burress-Commissioner for a lifetime of selfless volunteerism including his service with the Snow Hill Volunteer Fire Department and using his culinary skills and equipment to support countless community plate sales for Churches, Fire Departments, and families in need.  Tony’s compassion for other serves the whole community,regardless of race, religion, or background, which epitomizes the true ethos of this award.  

Melva Lee Taylor:  Melva Lee Taylor was nominated in the areas of Individual, Health & Human Services, Lifetime Achievement, Seniors, and Historically Underserved Populations.  Melva was nominated by Anna Moore and Renate Harper, staff members at the Greene County Senior Center.  Volunteering at the Senior Center since 2007, she averages at least 5 hours a week managing the weekly Jewelry Making Classes and organizing Produce Distribution on Tuesdays to include sorting and supervising as participants select items of produce.  Miss Lee, as affectionately known, is a wonderful volunteer, helping others with craft projects and activities on a daily basis.

How do I nominate a volunteer?

2023 Nomination Form Information:
Deadline to submit online, paper, or emailed forms – TBA

-The 2023 Nomination Form can be found on the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service website at www.volunteernc.org under the “Volunteer Awards” tab.

– The ONLINE FORM, which is on volunteernc.org, is simple and easy to use. Nominators can fill out the form online and then the Commission will send the forms to the Award Coordinator for their respective county.

– To request a paper copy of the nomination form, call or email the contact information below. Please note that Nomination Forms MUST BE TYPED. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. If you use the ONLINE FORM, you will NOT Need to submit a paper application.

– The application has information on eligibility, submission requirements, and award selection. Read these sections carefully. Tips for Writing an Effective Award Nomination are found on the website along with the online form, and will be made available to individuals requesting a paper copy of the form.

For more information contact: Sharon Harrison, Greene County Senior Center
104 Greenridge Road Snow Hill, NC 28580 252-747-5436
Email: sharon.harrison@greenecountync.gov

About the Governor’s Volunteer Service Awards:

Serving additional people with fewer and fewer resources is something most nonprofits do every day. Without volunteers, many of these organizations would not be able to provide important services. Volunteers are some of our community’s greatest assets, working every day to better fulfill the challenge of our missions. The greatest volunteers bring renewed energy, different and better ideas for getting the work done, and leverage new resources and contacts on behalf of the organizations they serve. While many organizations acknowledge these unique and talented individuals in their own way, recognizing the best of the best and sharing their stories on a bigger stage inspires others to service and helps to recruit even more volunteers to the cause.

What is the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award?

North Carolinians have always shown their concern and compassion for their neighbors by volunteering in local communities across the state. This proud tradition of volunteerism and community service was first recognized by the Office of the Governor in 1979 through the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award. This award honors the true spirit of volunteerism by recognizing individuals, groups, businesses and a paid director of volunteers that make a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service.

What is the Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer Service?

In 2006, the NC Commission implemented the Governor’s Medallion Award for Volunteer Service. This award recognizes the “top 20” volunteers in the state. Medallion recipients are nominated at the county level then evaluated by a panel of community service leaders from across the state. Medallion Award recipients are honored at an annual recognition ceremony, where they receive a medallion signifying their accomplishments and service to the community.

Who can be nominated for this award?

Any person, group, or business from the public, non-profit or private sector serving Greene County may be nominated for the award. If you know of someone or a group of people who have given substantial amounts of their time and talent to help others in the community, nominate them using the nomination form. Nominees can be nominated for more than one category and nominators are encouraged to check all categories that apply to their nominees. However, please nominate only one individual and/or one company/group/team/family.

Greene County

229 Kingold Blvd
Snow Hill, NC 28580

Phone: 252-747-3446

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8am – 5pm


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