When the County forecloses on a property and it is not sold at auction, it becomes the property of the County and remains available for sale.  In addition, other County-owned properties deemed as “surplus” may be made available for sale.

Below is a list of County owned properties currently available for sale.  Each listing includes the Tax Parcel Number (7-digits), a brief description of the property and location.  Clicking on the Parcel Number will open the County’s Online GIS program with parcel search pre-programmed.  When the site comes up (in a new window) the parcel will be highlighted in blue on the map and the record will be displayed at the bottom in “Results”.  To create a printable map of the property, click the Printer Icon in the Results.  To view/print the Property Record Card, click on the yellow text “Tax Card” immediately right of the Printer Icon.

Properties Available for Sale:

None at this time.

Process to Purchase County Owned Properties

  1. Make an offer to purchase, in writing, specifying the property you wish to purchase and the amount of your bid. Present this to the Tax Administrator, who will bring the offer to the Board of Commissioners.
  2. If the Board proposes to accept the offer, you will need to make a deposit of 5% of the bid amount with the Clerk to the Board.
  3. Upon receipt of the deposit, public notice must be made, giving an opportunity (10 days) for an upset bid. An upset bid must exceed the original bid by at least 10% of the first $1000 and 5% of the remaining amount (if any). As an example, an upset bid for an initial bid of $2000 must be a minimum of $2150. (10% of the first $1000 is $100 and 5% of the remaining $1000 is %50, for a total of $150)
  4. If no upset bids are received within 10 days, the sale again goes before the Board, who may choose whether to accept or reject any and all offers.

Greene County Tax Department

229 Kingold Boulevard, Suite B
PO Box 482
Snow Hill, NC 28580
Phone: 252-747-3615
Hours of operation:

Monday – Friday

8:30 am – 5:00 pm 


Stephanie Wiggins, Tax Administrator

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