
  • Soil Survey: The Greene County Soil Conservation Service provides soils data on a regular basis.
  • USGS Topographical Map Information: Many landowners inquire to see if “blue line streams” are present to stay in compliance with the Neuse River Buffer Rules.
  • FEMA Floodway Maps: Landowners request copies of the maps that list 100 year flood plains.
  • Archive Maps: The Soil Conservation Service has aerial photography dating back to the 1940s. Developers are often looking for this information for environmental reports.
  • Underground Tile Drainage Records: Soil Conservation keeps engineering records on all tile drainage we have installed dating back to the 1940s.
  • Best Management Practices: Information on applying and installing Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • Cost Share Programs: Cost Share Programs to Assist Landowners to Install or Adopt Conservation BMP’s The NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) and the Greene County Soil And Water Conservation District are partnering agencies providing cost share programs to conserve our soil, water, plants, air and wildlife. The North Carolina Agricultural Cost Share Program (NCACSP) and Federal programs including Equal Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Emergency Watershed Program (EWP), etc provide 50% up to 100% cost share to assist landowners that desire to implement conservation practices that will conserve our natural resources. 

District Board of Supervisors

Jack Edmondson, Jr. – Chairman
Jerry Jones – Vice Chairman
Rick Harper – Treasurer
Donald Beaman – Member
Stephen Porter – Member

Greene County Soil & Water Conservation

3 Professional Drive
Snow Hill, NC 28580
Phone: 252-747-3705 ext. 3

Hours of Operation


Dawn Murphy, Director

Rodney Taylor, Technician

Carl Kirby, District Conservationist

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