Child Support Services was established to hold noncustodial parents accountable for the financial responsibility of their children. This is achieved through a full range of services that includes locating parents, establishing paternity, establishing medical and financial support orders, and enforcing court-ordered support obligations. The goal of the Greene County Child Support Unit is to establish and collect support from the noncustodial parent to enhance the standard of living for the children of North Carolina.

Services Offered

  • Noncustodial parent location
  • Establishment of paternity
  • Establishment of child support/medical support obligations
  • Collection and distribution of child support obligations
  • Enforcement of child support orders

Applying for Services

Public Assistance and Medicaid clients receive services at no charge. Non-Public Assistance clients are charged a non-refundable application fee of $10.00 – $25.00.

Greene County can accept applications in person or online at

When completing an application you will be asked a series of questions concerning the client, non-custodial parent, and child(ren).

Please provide the following when completing an application:

  • A copy of birth certificate(s) for your child(ren)
  • The Affidavit(s) of parentage for the child(ren), is signed by the father
  • A copy of Social Security card(s) for you and your child(ren)
  • A copy of any child support, custody, domestic violence protection order(s), separation agreement and/or divorce decree.
  • Verification of your income
  • Proof of child care and health insurance costs

Any information you have about the noncustodial parent, including address, employer, Social Security number, date of birth, photos etc.

Client Cooperation

For Greene County Child Support to be successful in assisting you, your cooperation is needed in the following areas:

  • Providing accurate case information
  • Keeping the agent informed of changes in your circumstances
  • Responding to correspondence
  • Keeping all appointments
  • Appearing in court
  • Change in your address or phone number

Processing Time

Greene County Child Support will provide the best customer service possible. Each case is different, and there are many varying factors that can affect the time it takes to establish an order. The more information you are able to provide, the less time it will take.

Some factors that may affect the processing time of your case are:

  • The time it takes to locate the noncustodial parent
  • The time it takes to locate the employer of the noncustodial parent
  • The degree of legal difficulty of your case
  • The degree of cooperation from the noncustodial parent
  • If paternity is at issue
  • If court action is necessary


Establishment of Paternity

A child support order cannot be established for a child who is born to unmarried parents until:

  • The alleged father acknowledges paternity by signing the Affidavit of Parentage at the hospital, at the Child Support Agency, or Vital Records.
  • Legal action is filed with the court when the alleged father does not voluntarily acknowledge paternity. A formal complaint is served on the alleged father. A court hearing is held, and the court makes a determination of paternity.

Genetic testing is recommended if there are any doubts about the paternity of a child. The alleged father may be tested to determine whether or not he is the biological father of the child. The Greene County Child Support Office will conduct the paternity testing in the office for each participant involved. The current cost of genetic testing conducted in the Greene County Child Support Office is $23.00 per person tested.

Order Establishment

Once paternity is no longer at issue, an order for child support can be established. This can be done voluntarily in the Child Support Office. If the noncustodial parent is unwilling to voluntarily establish an order, legal action will be filed. Once the noncustodial parent receives official notice of the hearing date, a hearing is held and the court will establish a child support order which may also include medical support.

The NC Child Support Guidelines are used to determine the amount of child support that the noncustodial parent will be ordered to pay. The Guidelines are based on an income shares model using the gross incomes of both parents. Day care costs, medical insurance costs, and responsibility for other children are factors that are considered when calculating child support. Guidelines and worksheet can be found at

Review and Adjustment

Review of support orders in all Non-Public Assistance and Medicaid cases may be done upon request of either party every three (3) years. Your order  may be adjusted if the guideline amount indicates a 15% variance up or down. Public Assistance cases will be reviewed automatically every three (3) years. A review does not always indicate an increase, it may indicate a decrease.

If you have a significant change in circumstances prior to the review eligibility you may contact your agent to see if the change warrants a motion. Noncustodial parents must file a motion with the Greene County Clerk of Court using AOC-CV-600; a filing fee will be accessed. You may obtain a form from the Greene County Clerk of Court or from


Support Payments

All child support is paid to the NC Child Support Centralized Collections Office. If the noncustodial parent is making support payments on multiple court orders, payments will be separated between the cases.

Electronic payments have replaced paper checks for MOST clients. Payments will be placed on a smiOne debit card.

Clients who wish to have the payment deposited into their bank account in place of the smiOne debit card can obtain the Automatic Deposit of Child Support form by contacting Greene County Child Support, by calling 1-800-992-9457 or printing a copy from

Noncustodial parents making direct payments to NC Child Support Centralized Collection Office may remit payment using a blank coupon found at



When a noncustodial parent fails to make the ordered child support payments the local agent will take the needed steps to begin enforcement to collect payments.


Contact Information

Greene County Child Support:
227 Kingold Blvd., Suite A
Snow Hill, NC 28580

Mail Payments To:
NC Centralized Collection
PO Box 900006
Raleigh, NC 27675-9006

Customer Service – 1-800-992-9457

Greene County Social Services

227 Kingold Boulevard, Suite A
Snow Hill, NC 28580
Phone: 252-747-5932
Fax: 252-747-8654


Amanda Smith, Director

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