Outstanding Volunteers in Greene County to be Recognized
(Snow Hill, NC) – The North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service has presented the 2023 Governor’s Volunteer Service Award to Samuel Tyler Carter and Salvador Abrego Tinoco from Greene County. The Governor’s Volunteer Service Award honors people who have shown concern and compassion for their neighbors by making a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service. The award was created in the Office of the Governor in 1979 to honor outstanding volunteers throughout the State. Recipients will be honored at the Greene County Commissioners Meeting on Monday, April 17th at 7pm. Commissioner’s Meetings are held at the Greene County Communications Center, 312 SE Second Street, Snow Hill, NC.
Local award recipients and a description of their volunteer service
Samuel Tyler Carter: Samuel Tyler Carter was nominated in the areas of Individual, Disaster, & Lifetime Achievement. Tyler was nominated by Derek Burress and Shawna McMillian-Jones, members of Fort Run Volunteer Fire & EMS for his outstanding work ethic, positive attitude toward fellow firefighters, years of service-(since 2008), and averaging over 250 hours per year of service to the citizens in his community. Tyler currently serves as the Department’s Fire Captain and Emergency Medical Technician.
Salvador Abrego Tinoco: Salvador Abrego Tinoco was nominated in the areas of Individual, Cultural, Environment, & Historically Underserved Populations. Salvador was nominated by Town of Snow Hill Residents Carolyn Newcome and Laura Warren Exum for Beautification Projects where he donated time, talent, and resources in cleaning and landscaping the Park on 4th Street as well as other abandoned properties in the Town of Snow Hill.
Sharon T. Harrison, Greene County Award Coordinator
Governor’s Volunteer Service Award Program