COVID-19, Health, News|

Snow Hill, NC – The Greene County Department of Public Health is reporting 1 more death in the county of a resident who had tested positive for COVID-19. To protect their privacy, no further information will be released at this time. Greene County Department of Public Health Director Joy Brock said, “I am saddened by this death and so sorry for the families as they grieve. My thoughts and prayers are with this individuals’ family and friends.”
The Greene County Department of Public Health has received the following notifications of new lab- confirmed positive COVID-19 cases:
• Today, 3/31 – 4 new cases
That brings our total number of cases to 2,183. Out of the 2,183 lab-confirmed positive cases to date, 2,114 of the individuals have recovered, are doing well, and are out of isolation. Greene County currently has 22 active cases. Out of the 22 active cases, the Health Department is monitoring 21 of those individuals, 1 individual is currently hospitalized, and there are none currently in a congregate living setting. Greene County has had 47 deaths.
• 127,877,462 confirmed cases globally; 2,796,561 deaths
• United States: 30,213,759 confirmed cases; 548,162 deaths
• NC has confirmed 914,132 cases of COVID-19 across all 100 counties* o Deaths = 12,112*
o Completed Tests = 11,366,690* o Currently Hospitalized = 955*
*Last updated at 12:30 p.m. on March 31st, 2021
Greene County is continuing to monitor the situation and its impact on our community. New information will be shared as necessary. Residents who feel they are in need of COVID-19 testing, can go to the Farmers Market on Mondays from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Greene County Department of Public Health COVID-19 updates will appear on our website at and our Facebook page @greenecountydepartmentofpublichealth. For more information on COVID-19, please visit the NC Department of Health and Human Services website at and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at



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