The North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service has selected the following from Greene County to receive the 2022 Governor’s Volunteer Service Award: Max Andrews, Linda Dunn, Nell Chadwick, Jerome Cooper, Lorien Stocks, Madia Harris, and Gerald Beaman. The Governor’s Volunteer Service Award honors people who have shown concern and compassion for their neighbors by making a significant contribution to their community through volunteer service. The award was created in the Office of the Governor in 1979 to honor outstanding volunteers throughout the State.
Local award recipient and a description of their volunteer service
Max Andrews: Max Andrews was nominated in the area of Youth & Serving Youth. Max was nominated by Donald Clark and Cathy Williams with the Greene County Tennis Association for his volunteer work with the USTA Junior Tennis Tournaments, NCHSAA Eastern Regional Tennis Tournaments and the Eastern Coastal Plains Conference High School Tennis Tournaments. Volunteering entire weekends for tournaments, he assists with anything from prepping the courts to running the computer programs used for scoring and matching players.
Linda Dunn: Linda Dunn was nominated in the area of Faith-Based Entity and Health & Human Services. Linda was nominated by Patty Herring and Gwen Skinner for founding the Greene County Grief & Loss Support Group, hosting the Annual Blue Christmas Worship Service, and the Joy Riders who make brief on the spot front porch visits to the homebound including those with disabilities, illness, Senior Citizens, and those with adverse circumstances. These visits include balloons, bubbles, a bag of freshly made cookies, and lots of smiles!
Nell Chadwick: Nell Chadwick was nominated in the area of Senior-age 55 or older and Health & Human Services. Nell was nominated by Anna Moore-Meal Site Manager and Sharon Harrison-Director of the Greene County Senior Center for her work the Senior Nutrition Program, mainly assisting with serving hot meals to over 20 individuals per day at the Congregate Meal Site. She is very conscious of her work and abides by sanitation guidelines as she works in the kitchen.
Jerome Cooper: Jerome Cooper was nominated in the area of Senior-age 55 or older and Health & Human Services. Jerome was nominated by Sue Smith-Volunteer Coordinator and Anna Moore-Meal Site Manager at the Greene County Senior Center for his service as a Home Delivered meals volunteer. Jerome has served for over 10 years. Mr. Cooper goes out of his way to check on the wellbeing of each client that receives a meal on his route. He helps in any way he can with volunteering, being quick to help when called or asked to do something for the Senior Center.
Lorien Stocks & Madia Harris: Lorien Stocks and Madia Harris were nominated in the area of Group/Team and Health & Human Services. Lorien and Madia were nominated by Carolyn Newcomb-Greene Early College Community Liaison, Kelly Thigpen-Activity Director Greendale Forest, and Rodney McNeill-Principal of Greene Early College for co-organizing the Cougar Care Club to make a difference through volunteering through the Pandemic. Projects included Highway Cleanup on Middle School Road, providing 92 Easter Baskets to residents at Greendale Forest Nursing Home, hosting fund raisers to pay for their projects, organizing volunteers from Greene Early College to assist with Greene Central Band Day, and providing complete Turkey/Ham meals for three families of need in Greene County.
Gerald Beaman: Gerald Beaman was nominated in the area of Senior-age 55 or older, Disaster, and Lifetime Achievement. Gerald was nominated by PT Harrison-Lieutenant, SHVFD, and Lynwood Bunn-Chief, SHVFD for over 50 years of service to the Snow Hill Rural Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Beaman continues to be one of their most frequent responders, averaging around 223 answered calls per year often placing at the top of their roster for annual fire call response. Mr. Beaman performs more than double the annual state required training hours for volunteer firefighters. He has responded to help the community in times of Natural Disaster to include floods from Hurricane Floyd and Matthew, ice storms, blizzards, and tornadoes. Holding leadership positions in the past, Gerald still plays a crucial role in the organization and execution of the Annual Fireman’s Christmas Party for members and their families. Mr. Beaman is also an active member and volunteer at Snow Hill Presbyterian Church and has volunteered with Greene County Special Olympics throughout the years.
Sharon Harrison-Greene County Coordinator, NC Commission on Volunteerism & Community Service