The Constitution and Green Parties are no longer recognized political parties in North Carolina because they did not meet the legal requirements to remain recognized.
Both parties failed to turn out the required 2% of the total vote for their candidate for governor or for presidential electors in the 2020 general election. (Read a letter to the leaders of the parties.) Voters who register or update their registrations will no longer be able to affiliate with either party.
If this affects you, you may submit a voter registration application to update your party affiliation with a recognized party in North Carolina and to update other information such as your address. Visit to submit a voter registration application online (for existing DMV customers) or to print and fill out an application to submit to the appropriate county board of elections office.
Per state law, a recognized political party is:
- Any group of voters which, at the most recent general election, polled for its candidate for governor, or for presidential electors, at least 2% of the entire vote cast for governor or presidential electors.
- Any group of voters that files with the State Board of Elections petitions for the creation of a new political party signed by 0.25% of the total number of voters in the most recent election for governor. Also, the petition must be signed by at least 200 registered voters from three N.C. congressional districts.
- Any group of voters that files documentation that the group of voters had a candidate nominated on the general election ballot of at 70 percent of the states in the most recent presidential election.
All voters may check their registration status here: Voter Search Tool.
To learn more about registering to vote in North Carolina, visit: Registering.
N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles customers may register or update their registration online here: NCDMV | Voter Registration Application.