January 20, 2021 – You can now request to join the waiting list for the COVID-19 vaccine online.
Link: www.tinyurl.com/gc-vaccine
After submitting the online form, a Greene County Department of Public Health representative will call you at the telephone number you provided to schedule your appointment when a vaccine is available for you. Please be aware that there is an overwhelming demand for the COVID-19 vaccine, and it may be several weeks before we call you.
We know you are eager to receive the vaccine, and we are eager to provide it to you! We are working to vaccinate as many people as we can as quickly, safely, and efficiently as we can. We ask for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented public health undertaking.
Please continue to wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands frequently as we all work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community.